Chemical Engineering

Established in 1963, the department offers an undergraduate program with the option of opting for an IDD, Hons. or minors program for entrants through JEE. The curriculum offers an eclectic mix of core(compulsory) courses and electives (departmental and institute). Contrary to popular belief, courses in chemical engineering have little in common with chemistry and rather deal with Unit Operations and Unit Processes. Heat, fluid, material and momentum transfer process studies with a mathematical nature characterizes most courses. A lot of courses on Environmental Engineering are now offered as electives. The Hons. program offers a number of courses in the field of reaction engineering as well as Modelling. Ongoing research is mostly experimental with focus on the fields of Petroleum and Pollution Control Engineering, CFD and Molecular Modelling. Most semesters have at least one practical course, and almost all courses have relative grading. The academic load is not too heavy, some semesters being more rigorous than others, but very manageable. There are several opportunities for undergraduate students to work in labs under the guidance of professors to do small projects to get a glimpse into what research is like. A good number of students are selected for funded research interns to national and international laboratories each year, although the overall inclination towards core research being still low. Several students choose to pursue further studies in the field and secure admission to MS or PhD programs in reputed universities abroad. Core companies that recruit from chemical engineering include ITC, Reckitt Benckiser, Shell, Schlumberger, Reliance, SRF etc. However, majority of the students are seen opting for a host of non-core companies that open for all branches.

- Sailee Rane

Schlumberger, Reckitt Benckiser, Shell India Market Pvt. Ltd, Reliance Industries.

Photo Courtesy: Photography Section, IITR
Video Courtesy: Cinematic Section, IITR
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